Photograph Your Fears


  1. Really loved your post and how you had the mascara smeared on your face. Your pictures really represented how it does not feel nice to feel alone and that it makes you feel depressed.

  2. I believe that this photo shows the fear of missing out. This fear is accurately represented because I can see that she is worried about missing out on something that she sees on social media. I like the use of the Snapchat conversation on the phone to more clearly represent a real situation, however I would suggest to not include the definition of the fear in the photo.

  3. I think the photo is conveying the feeling of being separated from others. I think the photos successful in conveying the emotion with the lighting showing only the phone and the rest is dark. I like the contrast of light and dark in the photo. Possibly another location for the text of the fear but its still in a good position for the photo.

  4. 1) I think the photo very well conveys the message of your fear.
    2) I think its successful because its showing you alone near your phone, perhaps wishing people would include you in social media or texting.
    3) I love the lighting in the photograph.
    4) Personally I don't really have suggestions, this was a great photo.


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