Gottfried Helnwein Response

Response 1:
This image is picturing a big photo of a girls face with one singular eye and eyebrow. Other than that there is a single strand of hair with a man crawling up on it near the eye.This image may be a artistic image used to describe the biography of someone "in the eyes of..." I would consider it to be a documentary images well since those images are used to create as accurate representation of someone and something so there is a possibility that this image is representing an idea the artist expressed this way.This image seems to be photoshopped as the small man in the picture had to be added in comparison to the large head and eye. The photographers intent was to make contrast in the image between a large blue icy eye and a small man on the strand of hair.The exact intent is unclear as I am not getting a single message from this image however to me it looks like a may maybe looking into the eyes of a child for a reason knowing of him where he needs guidance from another point of view. The scale is the biggest drive to my interpretation of the image, the reason behind why the artists made the man so small and the girls face is quite big and overpowering in the image.

Response 2:
This change in viewpoint completely changes my interpretation of the image. New that it was shown that the man on the supposed "strand of hair" was actually a worker on a rope next to the image. This changes the interpretation as the man doesn't have anything to do with this piece of work. Tis image is a large depiction of a pale little girl with big blue-green eyes and rosy frosted lips. It stands quite tall and stretches an entire wall of a building. Her dirty blonde hair is cascading down her face with little waves in it. The size changes the meaning because it makes the little girls face in the viewers face. It would be quite difficult to ignore the large girls face looking down at you on the streets of Ireland (where the image resides). As far as how the image is created, it seems like it is one large continuous image however, for easier placement, it could have been split into sections. The image seems to be over a bridge so it could be more of an industrial section of Ireland.The everyday worker or person may be the audience as it is in the public eye for all to see. The mood of the girl is quite somber and scared even. the title "the last girl" could explain  why the girl in the photo seems to be so sad and scared. if she was the"last" of anything that would most likely mean she is alone and doesn't feel happy or warm. if anything this image is very cold and solemn.


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