Conceptual Photography


  1. Hi Melissa! I believe that this photo is a good example of conceptual photography because I can imagine a series of events before and after the photo. I love the use of lighting to resemble the police car lights and the expression on the face of the subject to show emotion. To improve on the photo, I would suggest having someone dressed as a police officer standing at the car window or having the subject holding their license and registration.

  2. I love this picture!It may have been difficult to capture the picture with just the right amount of light but the picture overall is so simple but has so much meaning behind it that everyone can relate. It made me have a throwback to when I got pulled over and it makes you wonder what happened to make you get pulled over or what is going to happen next. This picture is ready for an entire story behind it and after it so great job!

  3. I believe this is a good example because you can see she is in shock or scared and with the red and blue lights behind the car you can assume it is the police. The photo is good because the colors highlight the expression but doesn't overpower the whole picture.

  4. I like this picture because the viewer can understand what's going on by only the colors and without needing to show any other elements. The color scheme is first very satisfying and also it shows a very noticeable narrative. The person in the photo is probably getting pulled over by a cop after making a driving mistake and will most likely get a ticket afterwards. The only thing I would change is maybe clearing out the bottom right corner of the photo because I don't think it adds anything to the photo.


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