The Importance of Art

        Art and its funding has always been a hot topic as to wether or not it should be funded in schools. more specifically "tax dollars should not be wasted on art, music, or theatre classes in high school. Public high schools should be about training young people to enter the workforce." This is completely the wrong mindset to have about what high schools have and what they should offer students. High school is a time for students to find themselves and see what truly interests them and they are passionate in. sports are their for athletic students to be able to exercise their skill in a sport they choose. This should be the same way for how art and theatre programs are seen. They teach students they can be leaders and be in charge of their learning. Music allows creativity in students to flow wither through learning sheet music and playing an instrument or singing and learning lines to a song.
        Art, Music, and Theatre should be extended and be more cherished in a public school as for some students it is their favorite thing they look forward to in school. Not only is high school there to teach students core classes for a multitude of jobs it would be useful for, but it should also teach expression through creativity. For some students, these art and theatre classes opes their eye to new opportunities, interests and friends they meet along the way. It gives some highs school students an idea of what they want to do after school as not every student that goes into high school will want to be in the workforce to go to college, be a lawyer, doctor, businessman etc. Allowing funding for these programs in public school will only benefit both the schools and the student body with the positive effects of these art classes.


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