What Art? 1

Part 1:
1. The mood of the first image is somber or even sad/depressing. her facial expression looks longing like she is waiting for something or someone.Her posture is quite straight and her face is looking perfectly forward to get a good look at her side profile. In the second photo the mood looks to be seductive but also uncomfortable. The mood seems to want to be more of a seductive mood. however from the models face, it gives off a stiffness or awkward expression. her posture is slouched with her lead leaning upwards against a wall showing under her chin. her collarbones are also very pronounced and shown in the image.
2. These images look like they were photos but then pained over or added an action to make it look like the photos painted with oils. The first one may be painted originally with oils, however it could also be photoshop as well. The second photo looks completely photoshopped.
3. The background colors and texture do play into the mood as it gives some interest to the photo with the differing strokes and mixture of color strokes. it allows the eye to not get boring and see something of interest in each image.
4. The artist of the first image was successful in portraying a sad or longing woman waiting for something. it was portrayed through the expression of the woman's face as well as the colors chosen to accentuate the photo.The second image does not portray the mood of seduction very well as her face looks awkward and uncomfortable .


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