Letter to Past Self

Dear Melissa,
        Hi, yes this is me from the future talking to you right now, crazy isn't it. Well I want to give you some tips on how to be successful in your photography class as you are starting that right now. First of all. your first idea for a project will usually be the worst or most boring idea so i suggest writing down a few and really thinking about the project before you do it. Another really helpful thing is to do research on techniques before you start your project to implement them some way in photoshop or editing of the photo. not only will it make the project stronger but will enhance your skills as well. Don't be afraid to take a lot of photos! The more photos the better and that means more to choose from to find that perfect shot.

One of my favorite works was the fears project. Not only did I have to brainstorm an interesting composition of a photo but also execute it well and make it exemplify a fear. I took many many photos until I got one that i felt showed the fear well. My favorite thing is the hidden story in the photo as the girl in the picture is looking at her phone with a text saying that her friends were going out without her. The glum, and depressed emotions drip from her face showing the emotion well in this image. Not only this, but I practiced my skills in editing a photo with Lightroom to get the perfect contrast and saturation in the photo. The only thing i would do differently is to angle the camera so the text on the phone is easier to read in order to get the full effect of the story in the composition.


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